It's time to expand the Museum building to preserve and display the largest and most diverse collection of western carriages in the world, a rich permanent display of premier Western art, and appropriately curate a collection of 400,000 historical artifacts.
The growth of the Museum is an integral component to the CFD Trail Guide to the Future. We will continue to preserve the history and traditions of CFD while allowing the public year-round access. Expansion ensures continuation of our mission, and will further solidify our representation as a premier cultural attraction for Cheyenne, Wyoming, the West, and beyond. The investment is significant, but well worth making to sustain and advance the Museum's mission for generations to come.
Our expansion goals fall within three main categories:
• Maximize development of Frontier Park, expand Western themes
• Employ technology appropriately
• Increase participatory experiences
Additionally, the Museum seeks to preserve all non-parade vehicles and advocate for restoration of the parade collection.